Department Of Mba-Msc-Pgd Thesis Research

PAGES: 152
Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Aptly knowing English has become a mandatory on the part of one and all- be it in the zone of education, business or job. If they do not properly know this language, they have to have a tough time, no matter how much educated they may be. It can be jotted down that it is must to know English in order to live a hunky-dory and thriving life. It is English alone that can enable us to keep abreast of the knowledge all over the world, for the majority of the knowledge the world over is passionately preserved only in this said language. Ergo, having considered this very fact, the researcher thought it quite necessary to undertake a research work in the arena of the English Language Teaching (hereinafter referred to as “ELT”) at the secondary level in the North Tripura District in order to analytically detect the problems in the same field, thus providing logical solutions to them, so that the secondary level students of this district could be proficient in the English language, thereby being able to keep pace with the ongoing phenomena in the universe of knowledge in the era of globalisation. He chose only the North Tripura District because out of the total eight districts, it is the North Tripura District alone which has been the worst prey to the tremendously pathetic ELT situation at the secondary level. Also, he selected only the secondary level schools because it is assumed that it is at the secondary level that North Tripura District learners can properly learn the English language provided that they are taught properly and teaching-learning can properly be done only when the problems afflicting it can be systematically found out and solved.

Four Government vernacular medium secondary schools in total- all belonging to the North Tripura District- took part in this research. The researcher kept English medium and private secondary schools out of reach of this research work because they are extremely less in number, thus not being able to bring about a homogeneous sample.

The names of these schools are Kanchanpur Class XII School, Bilthai H.S. School, Durgaram Reang Para XII Class School and Chandrapur Govt. H.S. School.

The research does consist of the following four chapters:



In the chapter entitled INTRODUCTION, an account of the reasons lying behind undertaking such a research endeavour, place of English all over the world, the place of the English language in India, the place of English in Tripura, the problems in the teaching and the learning of English at the secondary level in the North Tripura District, statement of the problem, hypothesis, aims, objectives, plan of the research, methodology and techniques, scope of the study, limitations of the study, delimitations of the study, significance of the study, review of relevant literature, relevance of the background literature and chapterisation was provided.

In the second chapter having the heading THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, a description of some of the most important approaches, methods, techniques and also some most important aspects very aptly related to the present research study along with a detailed account of the model of analysis applied in this very research work was delineated.

In the third chapter titled ANALYSIS OF DATA, a detailed account of the analysis of the collected data was given. The analysis was conducted via both of the methods- qualitative and quantitative. All of the data had through the

questionnaire, proficiency test, informal discussions with the teachers and classroom observation were analysed.

At long last, in the fourth chapter bearing the head CONCLUSION, were proffered the major findings naturally emanated from the research followed by pedagogical implications, recommendations and scope for further research in the area concerned.




The present research endeavour does look into the major problems which have, for a very long time, been assaulting the teaching-learning of English at the secondary school level in the North Tripura District. The North Tripura District of Tripura, one of the very remote states of India, as it could not, unlike the rest of its (Tripura’s) districts, keep pace with the changing situation in the world of ELT, has been facing many a problem in the scenario of the teaching and the learning of the English language at the secondary school level. As the position of the English language in India has rapidly changed, the approaches, methods and techniques in teaching and learning the language- all, too, have equally changed, thus having kept the pace, and the latter changes determine what teachers and taughts need to teach and learn respectively. If it cannot be appropriately maintained, various different problems spring up.

Here, in the North Tripura District, a learner has to compulsorily learn English for a considerable amount of time but at long last it seems as if he or she never learnt English because of his or her failure to use it correctly and fluently in both speaking and writing. The majority of the learners fail in English, while in the other subjects they score even star marks. After passing the secondary examination, they cannot write even a very simple paragraph in English in their own words without innumerable mistakes and if they are told to speak in English, they cannot utter at least five sentences fluently.

Out of the three more or less dominant languages- Bengali, Kokborok and English, it is Bengali alone which is used as the medium of instruction in the classrooms of the secondary schools in this district. Even in the English class itself, English is taught through the said language. As a result of it, the learners cannot acquire proficiency in English because they are not at all sufficiently exposed to this target language. Also, outside the classroom, they do not have any opportunity to be exposed to the target language. Only inside the classroom, they can have this opportunity but unfortunately they are derived of it as a consequence of the prevalent condition, thus being compelled to suffer a lot during their future higher studies where English is the only medium of instruction.

In addition to this factor, the teachers are not properly trained and well- equipped to teach English as a second language to the learners as it should be. They are not even aware of both the traditional and innovative concepts of ELT. They teach English to them so mechanically that it cannot help them in future where the real life use of English is quite highly demanded. Neither the learners nor the teachers are the least bit bothered about it. It has been tremendously deteriorating the ELT situation at the secondary level in the North Tripura District.

Thus, a lot of problems are at the root of the quite poor condition of teaching-learning English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District. To mention the major ones, the teachers are not trained and competent enough to teach learners in the way they should teach them. They are good models of neither spoken English nor written English. They are not aware of the modern, innovative, creative and efficient English language teaching approaches, methods, techniques and materials and mechanically use only the age-old and almost outdated ineffective Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

extensively. Both teaching and learning are examination-centred and degree- driven. Neither the teachers nor the learners have any active participations in teaching and learning. The Communication Approach is hardly taken into consideration. The learners are not exposed to the target language in the classroom. The students’ mother tongue, Bengali, is the only medium of instruction in the classroom. They are exposed to it neither at home nor in their surrounding society or community. The only place where they can be exposed to it is in the classroom and that too for a short while only. Therefore, if, even in that place, they are not exposed to it, they cannot generally be expected to be good in communication in the language. They are directly or indirectly encouraged to solely depend upon rote learning only for the examination purpose. The classroom is so overcrowded that even a trained teacher cannot teach properly or provide any special care to the learner, whenever needed, in such a classroom; then, what to speak of an untrained teacher, in the category of whose, the secondary level school teachers fall? Lessons are taught through the mother tongue. As the classroom is unidirectional, i.e., Teacher->Learner, and teacher-centred, the learners find the teaching monotonous and boring. It also greatly mars their interest to properly learn English.

Neither the teachers nor the learners are motivated to teach and learn respectively. The teachers teach English simply because they have to teach it as it is a compulsory subject and the learners study it for the same reason. In other words, the teachers are concerned with how they can make learners pass their examinations and the learners with how by hook or by cook they can score more marks in and pass their examinations. None of them take care of whether proper teaching and learning is ever taking place. They are not aware of the fact of whether whatever they are teaching or whatever learners are learning will be of any use in the future time. As a consequence of this phenomenon, no learners can prosper in mastering the language and lag behind in the same extensively and much more than they lag behind in other subjects.

It is really a harrowing situation looming large in the said place for a considerable period of time. It is claimed that without English, it is very difficult to live life well in the educated society. English is a very respectable, may be the most respectable, language in India. Educational, social, economical, etc., prosperities extensively depend upon this language.

Consequently, the systematic finding out of and rendering the probable solutions to the ELT problems at the secondary level in the North Tripura District via such a research work as this very one is quite highly called-for.

The English Language: Its Place and Importance the World Over

Angles, Jutes and Saxons appeared in Britain along with the dialects which they spoke in. Their dialects were Germanic. The language to which these dialects belong is known as the English Language. The English Language has spread the world over consequent upon colonisation. The place of this very language could not, to date, be snatched away by any other languages. The most glaring feature of English is that the language could tremendously spread itself unlike other languages. This language is the native language in more than twenty countries and official language in more than forty-five countries of the world. Besides, even it is either a second or a foreign language in many countries. The countries having the language as their second language had been colonised by the British rulers who are the original native speakers of this said language. India can, for instance, be cited here as one of those countries colonised. Although the British had to quit India, the English language has remained behind. The number of non-native users of English exceed the number of native users of English. It does currently play a pivotal role in almost all spheres of human-life all over the world beyond the shadow of a doubt. This is the sole language for internationally confabulating. No other languages but the English language can meet this need. It is the World War-II

that has extensively enabled the USA to strengthen the already existing value of English via its influencing the world in myriad tactics, such as financial, diplomatic and political. In addition to this, out of all the variations of English, such as British English, American English, Caribbean English and Australian English, it is the American English which is currently preferred all over the world.

English is regarded as a Lingua Franca for the reasons jotted down in the second paragraph above. The importance of English is so much that human-life with no English in the modern world is but a vehicle without its okayed engine. Everywhere- be it in a workplace or a bank or a post-office or a school or a college or a university- English is obviously needed, no doubt at all. Man acquires knowledge from books and the majority of those books are in English.

To bring out the veracity of the truth regarding the dominating status of English, when we meet one for the first time in the morning, we greet one with Good Morning, not Suprabhat. The superiority of English does not merely depend on the huge number of users of it; rather the various domains (financial, diplomatic, technical, etc.) in which it is used.

The English Language: Its Place and Importance in India

The English Language could enter and firmly enough get itself settled in the country India only due to the British who had invaded, colonised and ruled the country. Even after so many years of Independence, this language has not at all left this country. Rather, it is deepening its root so strongly that it currently seems next to impossible for him whose native language is not English to imagine a sound existence in this country itself! This fact per se suffices to substantiate this that English has a very crucial role in India.

The language is called a Lingua Franca in India, too, for it is used by individuals having no common languages except this very language to communicate with each other. In schools, colleges, universities, offices, courts, etc., English is bound to be more or less used. This language has entered every step of life even in India although it is a second language in the country. Most of her educated people prefer speaking in English to speaking in their mother tongues. They feel very proud if they use English in almost all of their daily activities.

They even feel humiliated if they have to speak in English. It is also regarded to be India’s link language. Jawaharlal Nehru’s comment as follows in this connection is worthy of being mentioned:

“If you push out English, does Hindi fully take place?...In that event, there will be a gap. It is this that leads me to the conclusion that English is likely to have an important place in the foreseeable future.” (Tiwari 9)

Lord Macaulay wanted English in India and in the “Minutes on Education” he desired to have such Indians as “Indian in blood and colour but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect” (Krishnaswamy and Krishnaswamy 7). C. Rajagopalachari opined that “English language is the greatest gift of goddess Saraswati to India” (Arora 13).

It was earlier decided that in independent India, English would be retained for a short while but later on, it had to be decided that English would be retained for an indefinite time because it had been observed that if Hindi was to

replace English, it would definitely create a pandemonium, since those who were non-Hindi speaking people would not accept that ruling because they would think that owning to not knowing Hindi, they would be deprived of many facilities which they must have otherwise had and which would be provided only to those who were Hindi speaking ones. As Jawaharlal Nehru’s declaration goes on in this regard:

“..........for an indefinite period..........I would have English as an associate, additional language..........because I do not wish the people of non-Hindi areas to feel that certain doors of advance are closed to them ” (Krishnaswami and Krishnaswamy 6)

Resultantly, the Three-Language Formula had to be suggested. In accordance with it, non-Hindi speaking people would learn their native languages along with English and Hindi, while Hindi speaking people would learn their mother tongue, i.e., Hindi along with English and one more native language other than their own native one. According to N. Krishnaswamy and Lalitha Krishnaswami:

“The main intention of the three-language formula was to make the load of language learning equal in all parts of the country and to achieve national integration.” (Krishnaswami and Krishnaswamy 10)

It is now firmly believed in India that if the people of India being educated hate English and therefore do not learn it, they cannot but lag behind the people knowing English in almost all stages in life. That is why, they had better learn

English to progress, keeping the pace with others. If they fail to master this language, their pedantry is believed to decline. If they wish to be acclaimed in the world of higher education, they are constrained to be well enough English knower. It does not matter which disciplines they will choose because whatever disciplines they will choose, English has its conspicuous presence in them. Ergo, it has become mandatory that at the secondary level, one must necessarily learn English properly, so that one has not to have any difficulties while pursuing higher studies.

It is indeed amazing to note that those people who have a mastery over English in India surpass those whose mother tongue is English. In other words, India possesses much more knowers of English than the U.K. or the U.S.A. does. Those Indians pursuing higher studies in foreign universities prove to be better than the native learners in regard to English, i.e., the former have a much more better mastery over the English language than the latter have.

Various types of business take place between India and the first language English countries. It compels a number of Indians to learn the English language, so that there can be a fair communication. Those who know English secure very good and prestigious jobs that can fetch them handsome salaries. Even Indian villages can accrue lots of benefits from English. It is simply the English language which could enable Indians to portray the Indian customs, religions, philosophies, etc., to the Western countries.

Because of the above-mentioned factors, English enjoys a unique identity in this country and it is popularly known as the Indian English having its own vocabulary, phonetics, phonology and syntax, which are, to a great extent, different from those of the British English or the American English.

Innumerable writers and authors are writing, using the Indian English and get their writings published all over the world and these writings are highly appreciated by native speakers of English. Further, books in the Indian English are, to a considerable amount, found to be recommended in foreign universities. Thus, English in India has a very special status and significance beyond doubts.

Tripura, Its Education and Place of the English Language in It with Special Reference to North Tripura District

First of all, to very briefly delineate Tripura, Tripura, a hunky-dory hilly state, is now one of the Seven Sisters of the Northeast India- Tripura, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Nagaland. Before that, for a considerable amount of time, it had been ruled by many kings and one queen. It was therefore referred to as a Princely State. Thereafter, in 1949, it merged with India, thus having attained the status of A Union Territory and at long last, got the status of full Statehood in 1972. Both tribals and non-tribals peacefully live together here. Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Muslim religions can all be found to be present in Tripura. Agriculture is its main source of income. It embraces 10,91.69 sq km and is hugged by Bangladesh from three sides- northern, southern and western. Now, there are eight districts in total in Tripura- North Tripura, South Tripura, West Tripura, Dhalai, Khowai, Gomati, Unakoti and Sepahijala. Bengali and Kokborok are its official languages. Tripureswari is its presiding Deity. The book named “Rajmala” is believed to be the only authentic book on Tripura. Its total population is 3,671,032. The National Highway 44 acts as its highway, which is solely responsible for Tripura’s link to the country. Its climate is quite pleasing round the year.

Education in Tripura- be it primary or secondary or higher secondary or tertiary or university level- is a shambling one. The numbers of its schools are

only 4, 455, universities are only three in total- Tripura University (central), Maharaja Bir Bikram University (state) and I.C.F.A.I. (state private), its colleges are only thirty two in total. In addition to that, in a very few colleges, there are I.G.N.O.U. centres. Although both State Govt. run and private schools- primary, secondary and higher secondary- are there in this state but the latter are so less in number that they are hardly worthy of being counted. All the Govt. secondary and higher secondary schools are governed by the Tripura Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated as T.B.S.E.) which came into being by the Legislative Assembly of Tripura in 1973 and began functioning in 1976. Some of the private secondary and higher secondary schools are run by the T.B.S.E., while some by the C.B.S.E. and some by the I.C.S.E.

The English Language in Tripura has been tremendously suffering. The teaching and the learning of English are, to a great extent, a victim of sheer negligence at all the aforementioned levels of education. Both the teachers and learners seem to hardly take care of it aptly. Consequently, day by day, it is by leaps and bounds deteriorating. The rate of literacy in Tripura is higher than that in any other states of India, but, at the same time, ironically enough, the rate of properly English knowing people is lower than that in any other states of the country. In Tripura, English is mandatorily taught from the nursery level to the secondary level at a stretch. But unfortunately, in the long run, the net result is almost nil in the case of learning English. The majority of the learners fail to have a mastery over English.

The North Tripura District appears the worst sufferer in the matter of ELT. Here, the learners are found to be weaker than the learners in the other seven districts of Tripura. They seem not to realise the importance of English. Nor can they realise that if they fail to have a good command over English, they

will have to face innumerable difficulties if they wish to go for higher studies. The whole of the infrastructure of teaching-learning English in this particular district is very weak. Quality books, teachers, aids, etc.,- nothing is sufficiently available. The medium of instruction is the native language even in the English class- one of the most grave problems. The learners are not exposed to the target language, here, English, even in the English class, let alone outside of the classroom. It violates one of the most essential basic rules of learning a language- to get exposed to the language being learnt as much as possible. For years together, these learners have been being taught in the worn out rote learning way, which lies at the marring of their oral and written competence and performance in their practical life outside the classroom. Their intention is to just somehow pass the English examination. It is, beyond the limits of doubt, shocking to find that even a 10th standard student cannot, in his own English words, correctly speak or write. No innovative techniques are adopted to teach English. As one of the compulsory subjects at the secondary level, English is taught mostly from the literature perspective, such as prose, poetry and so on. Though linguistic items are taught, taught they are rather mechanically, not in the way which will enable the learners to practically use English adeptly.

The other districts seem to be comparatively much more freed from the above-mentioned stumbling blocks, which are abstaining the English language from flourishing in this district. Therefore, the researcher deems it fit to take up a research endeavour as regards this very phenomenon, so that the ELT especially in the North Tripura District and also in the entire Tripura can be, to a great extent, improved.

Statement of the Problem

The main concern of this study is to systematically detect the problems in teaching English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District and provide possible solutions to them.

The teaching and the learning of English in the North Tripura District are bedecked with myriads of problems. Although English is begun being taught and learnt from the nursery level in the North Tripura District, most of the students fail to appropriately use the language which they have been learning for a long time.


It is hereby hypothesised that identifying and putting in a proper perspective the problems related to teaching and learning English at the secondary schools of the North Tripura District will help improve the ELT situation in the district.


The focus of this research is to systematically detect the problems in teaching English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District and to seek their probable solutions to them so that the problems can be eradicated for the betterment of teaching-learning English in this district.


1. To find out whether the teachers are aware of the concepts of ELT.

2. To find out whether the teachers are trained to teach English in a better way.

3. To examine the methods, techniques and materials being used in teaching English.

4. To find out whether teaching English is examination-centred and degree- driven only.

5. To find out whether the communicative approach is used.

6. To find out whether the Mother Tongue (MT) interference in teaching English exists.

7. To find out whether only the Receptive Skills (RS)- Reading and Writing- are given importance and the Productive Skills (PS)- Listening and Speaking- are neglected.

8. To identify whether the classes are only teacher-centred and overcrowded.

9. To observe whether the total emphasis is laid on the linguistic competence.

10. To examine whether the eclectic method is better for teachers and learners teaching and learning English respectively.

11. To provide some probable solutions to the problems in teaching-learning English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District and a few pedagogical implications likely to be helpful in the said teaching- learning.

Plan of the Research

In order to accomplish this research work, a field-work will have to be effectuated, which will involve 4 Government run secondary schools in total at Kanchanpur, Dashda and Bilthai- three rural places and Dharmanagar- one urban place- all belong to the North Tripura District. They do quite well represent this very district. All the schools are Government secondary and also vernacular medium schools,  which will  greatly help the  researcher  have  a

homogeneous sample. Private and Govt. English medium and also private vernacular medium secondary schools being very less in number in the district, the researcher shall exclude them from his research work, keeping it in mind that they will fail to represent the secondary schools the district over; rather it will bring about many such extraneous variables as curricula and teaching- learning differences.

It should be mentioned here that all the schools to be selected are secondary schools in the sense that the researcher shall take only the secondary level of those schools, although they are up to the higher secondary level. It is also mentioned that only Class X of each of those schools will be chosen by the researcher for the field-work. Besides, the researcher shall select only the secondary level schools because it is assumed that it is at the secondary level that the North Tripura District learners can properly learn the English language provided that they are taught properly and teaching-learning can properly be done only when the problems afflicting it can be systematically found out and solved.

Through questionnaire for student, student proficiency test, informal discussion with teacher and class observation the data concerned with the ELT condition in the secondary schools of this district will, by the researcher, be collected. He will also put into force classroom observation so that he can get a firsthand information with regard to the real and practical teaching-learning of the English language. After having the data to be extricated via both the qualitative and the quantitative methods, the same shall be elaborately analysed and described, which will at long last lead to the conclusion of the said research work.

Methodology and Techniques

To have the data from the schools, in which the field-work will be conducted by the researcher, the following methodology, methods and instruments shall be deployed:

A. Questionnaire: The researcher will make one questionnaire in order to allot copies of the same to each of the students to be selected. Randomly, these students will be selected from Class X of each of the schools to be selected.

B. Proficiency Test: A proficiency test will be taken by the researcher in order to test the already existing English linguistic competence of each of the students to be selected from those outside the students to be selected for answering the questionnaire. The former, too, will be selected randomly.

C. Informal Discussion with the Teachers: The researcher will have an informal discussion with 4 English teachers individually- 1 teacher from each of the schools to be selected- in order to come to know about the status quo of the teaching of the English language in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District. Each of these teachers, as subject teacher, teaches English to the students of Class X of each of his respective school, where the researcher will conduct the field-work.

D. Class Observation: An observation will be, in each of the classrooms, by the researcher, made use of, so that he could directly experience and detect myriad factors, such as whether the classes are overcrowded, what activities take place in teaching, the sizes of the classes, the student-teacher interaction, the medium of instruction and the methods and techniques in teaching, which have extensively been influencing the ELT situation in the classrooms of the secondary level schools.

Scope of the Study

The present study will attempt to find out the problems in all the areas- listening, speaking, reading and writing- of the teaching and learning of the English language in the Govt. vernacular medium secondary schools of the North Tripura District only and will also thereafter attempt to give probable solutions to those problems, so that both the teaching and learning English at that level in the schools mentioned can indeed boost up.

Limitations of the Study

The limitations of this study are the products of the complications most likely to sprout up during the field-work which is the focal part and parcel of the present study. These limitations may, as the following ones, be recounted:

A. On account of the shortage of time, the researcher may have to confine his field work in a very less number of schools only, thus only 4 schools from two prominent areas- one is rural, while the other is urban. He may not be able to go for more than these. It would be better if some more schools can be taken, for then it can provide diverse data. But, the North Tripura District, the secondary level schools of which are the target of the study, must very well be represented by these two places, since the said district is constituted of both rural and urban places.

B. It may be so that the outputs extracted from the students to be sampled would be slanted and opinionated.

C. All the students to be selected may not turn up in their respective schools to return their questionnaire-answers on the fixed dates.

D. It is difficult to be sanguine of the exact healthy and sound scenario as will be observed at the time of the classroom observation in the classroom always.

E. To hide their ignorance of the proper process of teaching English, which has largely been hampering the teaching of English, the teachers with

whom the researcher will have informal discussions may be hesitant about responding properly to some of the issues to be raised in the said discussions.

F. Some students may not be able to understand some of the questions in their questionnaires. Resultantly they may either wrongly answer or leave them unanswered. It may be so that some students will intentionally answer wrongly some of the questions in their questionnaires with frolic. Both the cases can largely hamper the researcher in collecting the data as expected.

Delimitations of the Study

This present study must confine itself to:

A. Only four places- three rural- Kanchanpur, Dashda and Bilthai and one urban- Dharmanagar- all belonging to the North Tripura District.

B. Only 4 Government vernacular medium schools in total.

C. Only Std X male and female students from each of these schools.

D. Data-collection through questionnaire, proficiency test, informal discussion with the teacher and classroom observation.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this research lies in its attempting at identifying the prevailing problems rampantly damaging the teaching and the learning of the English language in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District, so that these problems can be mitigated in order to better the condition. The researcher believes that this research will thus hugely help both teachers and learners to tide over the said problems to a great extent in order to improve the ELT situation in the secondary schools in the North Tripura District.

To date, surprisingly enough, not even a single research work regarding the grave problems in teaching and learning of English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District has taken place, whereas such types of research work are the crying need of the hour in the district named.

English is currently being unequivocally regarded to be a Lingua Franca and also a Global Language because it is no longer the language of the inhabitants of only the English speaking countries like the U.K. and the U.S.A. It is quite doubtlessly too much influential. No other languages are so at all. The world- famous Linguist Prof. (Dr.) David Crystal commented:

"A language is dying every two weeks somewhere in the world today. Half  the world's languages will no longer be spoken in another century. This is an extremely serious concern, and English has to share the blame."

Those who use it as a second language have become more in number than those who use it as their first language or mother tongue. India directly and indirectly experiences a tremendous influence of English in almost all the fields, such as education, business, technology and medical science, though it is a second language here.

It can very easily be presumed that there are, of course, problems in teaching and learning English in the secondary schools of the North Tripura District, abstaining the teachers and learners alike from teaching and learning English in the way it should be done.

Each and every educated person here is fully aware of those problems existent scattered, but s/he cannot identify them systematically. Unless and until they can be systematically identified, the solutions to them can hardly be provided.

This research will seek to identify the problems in teaching and learning English at the secondary level in the North Tripura District to solve them.

For the causes under consideration, the present research shall, beyond the shadow of even an iota of doubt, be extremely significant and relevant in the case of the English language teaching and learning at the secondary level in the state. This research will greatly help to overcome the problems, so that both the teachers and learners will be able to accrue a huge amount of benefit from it, thus extensively improving the status quo of teaching and learning English in the secondary schools in the North Tripura District.



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    Joseph, Abia state Polytechnic.
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    Christiana, Landmark University .
  • "I wish I knew you guys when I wrote my first degree project, it took so much time and effort then. Now, with just a click of a button, I got my complete project in less than 15 minutes. You guys are too amazing!."

    Musa, Federal University of Technology Minna
  • "I was scared at first when I saw your website but I decided to risk my last 3k and surprisingly I got my complete project in my email box instantly. This is so nice!!!."

    Ali Obafemi, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Niger State.
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