Department Of Science Laboratory And Technology

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00




The house fly, musca domestica, not only in a nuisance pest, but also acts as an important mechanical vector for lots of pathogenic microorganism agents, including bacteria, protozoa, worms, fungi and viruses amongst humans and animals. The populations of house flies transmit the diseases agents by means of different parts of their bodies’ chairs body, appendages and mouth parts) and secretions (regurgitates and faces). House flies enter to the several places, including contaminated premises because of their own biologic habits for feeding service MW.

(2000) medical entomology for students 2nd ed. Cambridge University press. The habit of house fly favour the spread of bacteria and other diseases causing organisms. http//www.idphstate1/us/enhealth/pefilthflieshtml.

Consequently, house fly for example, can spread diseases such as food poisoning and dysentery regarding to bacteria service MW. (2000) medical entomology for students 2nd ed Cambridge Unversity press. http//www.idphstate1/us/enhealth/pefilthflieshtml

More than 100 percent associated with the house fly may cause disease in humans and animals including typhoid, cholera bacillary dysentery, tuberculosis anthrax ophthalma and infantile diahea, as well as parasitic protozoa and worms http//www.edislfasufl-edu/in503 pathogenic organism are picked up by flies from garbage, sewage and other source of filth, and then transferred on their mouthparts and other body parts through their vomits, faces and contaminated external body part to humans and animal food. http//wwwedis.lfasufledu/in503.

In addition to classical pathogens, there are newly recorded bacterial which are medical importance as the new findings macoveil and zurek L. ecology of Antibiotic resistance genes: Characterization of enterocci from houseflies collected in food settings applied and environment microbiology 2006: 72 4028.4035.

Houseflies have long been regard as potential carries of microorganisms since pathogenic microorganisms are widespread in the hospital environment there is abundant opportunity for flies to become contaminated and in turn, to contaminant the patient environment in the present study, an attempt was made to isolate and identify pathogenic bacteria fungi and parasites from the house fly musca domestica collected in the surgical hospital and also in a remote residential area located 5km from the hospital. A total of 113 flies were collected 65 from a surgical ward (test) and 48 from a residential area for comparison ten genera of bacteria were isolated from the test group of flies compared with nine from the control group in primary isolations it was observed that the load of bacteria carried by the test group of flies was significantly more (p/ less than 0.001) than for the control flies pseudomonia aerugnosa, enterococcus faecalis and vividens strepthococci were isolated only from the test flies the isolation rate of staphylococcus aurevs was significantly higher (p less than 0.001) in test housefly than in the control houseflies.

There was no significant different in isolation of parasitic ova and custs from test and control housefly candida spp were isolated in almost equal numbers from both groups of houseflies yet none of these was Candida albicans houseflies therefore may acts as vectors of potentially pathogenic bacteria in a hospital environment have reported which houseflies in food handling and serving facilities carry and may have the capacity to transfer antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent bacteria. Meek http//www.pctonlunecom/arcticles/ in the study founded by orikin pest control has described new nine transmitted bacterial by houseflies. Three of them consisting, acinetobactor, baumanni that has been linked to meaningitis, Bacillus pumilus, which can cause food poisoning and enterobactor sakazaki which can cause urinary tract, pulmonary and blood stream infections. Because M. domestica is capable of carrying a variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites disease over its body’s appendages, we can make some critical steps forward to fight against these micro organisms basically, one of these step is to identify those pathogenic agents and as a results promoting the status of society health. Service MW. (2000) medical entomology for students 2nd ed. Cambridge University press the aim of the study was to isolate and identification bacteria that are pick up by housefly over the human and animal premises.
