Department Of Production And Operations Mgt.

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



The study examined Total Quality Management and Its Applications In 7-Up Bottling Company Aba. The study was a survey research The population of the study was all the staff of Nigerian Breweries and a sample size of 200was used. The internal reliability of the instrument was ascertained through the Crombach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70 bench mark set by Nunnally (1970). Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The study findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between significant relationship between TQM and company’s productivity. The study recommends therefore that Continuous TQM education should be undertaken at all levels, even for those firms that have already acquired a high degree of awareness of the concept (TQM).


1.1 Background To The Study

Total quality management is defined as the complete commitment to quality in all aspect of the firms operations. Total quality management is a management approach of organization, with the objective of attaining quality, through the full participation of all its membersfor long term success, customer satisfaction and benefits to the organization and the public. According to (Shankar, 2012). Total quality management (TQM) is the significant approach to improving quality which involves the organizations long term commitment to a sustained improvement of quality, throughout the firm with the active participation of all organizationalmembers to meet and exceed customer’s expectations. (Weihrich and Koontz, 2005) states that total quality management is the constant effort of identifying with and catering for the customer needs from time to time. This is in view of the fact that customer’ needs, desires, and wants changes overtime as changes occur in the external environment of business.TQM embraces the culture of continuous improvement of learning and adaptation tochanging customer demands. According to Jones (2011) total quality management is a management technique is concerned with improving the quality of the organizations products and services and therefore directs all efforts to achieving it.NG-Journal of Social Development (2016).The research therefore seek to investigate Total Quality Management and its Applications in 7-UP Bottling Company Aba.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The application of TQM provides some benefits to the organization which include

Improving the effectivenessof the organization in  improve the quality of production and client satisfaction;Ensures a high efficiency through improving the quality of  inputs and outputs without increasing capital volume.Enhances Quality chains;Quality costs; and enhances efficiency in the organization. Total quality management is a management approach of organization, with the objective of attaining quality, through the full participation of all its members for long term success, customer satisfaction and benefits to the organization and the public. According to (Shankar, 2012). Total quality management (TQM) is the significant approach to improving quality which involves the organizations long term commitment to a sustained improvement of quality, throughout the firm with the active participation of all organizational members to meet and exceed customer’s expectations. (Weihrich and Koontz, 2005) states that total quality management is the constant effort of identifying with and catering for the customer needs from time to time. This is in view of the fact that customer’ needs, desires, and wants changes overtime as changes occur in the external environment of business.However there are some problems associated with the implementation of TQM which include the issue of competition in the market. Some competitors equate quality with high cost and then proceed to lower quality. Problem of poor management practice in terms of a general lack of higher expectations affects the implementation of TQM; Poor organization structure which leads to duplication of duties hinders the smooth implementation of TQM;.Inadequate resources for total quality management; Some organization do not have adequate resources to implement TQM while some lack customer focus; showing that their strategic plan are not customer driven. Lack of effective measurement of quality improvement; TQM requires the monitoringof employees and processes, and the establishment of objectiveswhich anticipate and satisfies the customer's needs; Poor Planning; The inability of many firms to evolve strategic plans hinders the implementation of TQM 9.  Lack of management commitment; Resistance of the workforce; Lack of proper training/Inadequate Human Resource Development also constitute other problems which hinders the successful implementation of TQM. Therefore the problem confronting the research is to investigate Total Quality Management and its Applications in 7-UP Bottling Company Aba

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the nature and significance of TQM.

2. To determine Total Quality Management and its Applications in 7-UP Bottling Company Aba.

1.4Research Questions

1. What is Total quality Management?

2. What is the effect of the application of Total quality Management?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study shall serve as a vital source of information to managers of organizations.

1.6 Research Hypothesis 

Ho:There is no significant relationship between TQM and company’s productivity.

Hi:There is a significant relationship between TQM and company’s productivity.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the appraisal of Total Quality Management and its Applications in 7-UP Bottling Company Aba.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The study was confronted by some constraints which include logistics and geographical factor.

1.9 Definition of Terms


Total quality management is defined as the complete commitment to quality in all aspect of the firms operations. Total quality management is a management approach of organization, with the objective of attaining quality, through the full participation of all its members for long term success, customer satisfaction and benefits to the organization and the public. According to (Shankar, 2012). Total quality management (TQM) is the significant approach to improving quality which involves the organizations long term commitment to a sustained improvement of quality, throughout the firm with the active participation of all organizational members to meet and exceed customer’s expectations. (Weihrich and Koontz, 2005) states that total quality management is the constant effort of identifying with and catering for the customer needs from time to time. This is in view of the fact that customer’ needs, desires, and wants changes overtime as changes occur in the external environment of business.  TQM embraces the culture of continuous improvement of learning and adaptation to changing customer demands.

Effectiveness is measured by comparing what a process or installation can produce with what they actually produce; 

Efficiency is the amount of resources that have to be committed to obtain that output. 

Productivity is measured by the production obtained (effectiveness) versus the invested effort in order to achieve the result (efficiency); in other words, if we can achieve more with less effort, productivity increases


Ndiokho (2012), TQM

NG-Journal of Social Development (2016) TQM

Shankar, (2012). Total quality management

Weihrich and Koontz, (2005). Total quality management




This chapter reviews literature related to the research. It involves a review of existing books, articles, journals and papers which are related to the research and also entails the interrogation of comments, critiques and issues revised by researchers/scholars on and about Total Quality Management and Its Applications in 7-Up Bottling Company Aba. It also provides information that are central to effective understanding of the issues which necessitate the undertaking of this research, putting into cognizance the views and postulations of people across various fields of studies. Thus, it deals with a balance of arguments for or against quoted comments and eventual position of the researcher.


2.2.1 The Concept of Quality

The quality of a product or service can be defined as a set of collection of attributes.

These attributes may relate to functional characteristics, behavioral characteristicoraesthetic characteristics of a product or service". Quality is both a user-orientedand a product-oriented expression. From the users' point of view, quality is anexpression of the products and services, usefulness in meeting the needs and

expectations and its reliability, safety, durability and so on.

Different views of quality are held by marketing, engineering and manufacturing

departments. Garvin (1983) outlines these as:

• Transcendent: Quality as a simple analyzable property recognized onlythrough experience.

• Product-based: Quality as a precise and measurable variable.

• User-based: Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder.

• Manufacturing-based: Quality as conformance to the requirements.

• Value-based: Quality as performance or conformance at acceptable price orcost-,

Quality therefore is:

'A measure of achievement of customer satisfaction, fulfilling the customer'sneeds/requirements'. In TQM point of view, quality is everything that anorganization does, in the eyes of its customers, which will encourage them toregard that organization, as one of the best in its particular field of operation",

Deming, Juran, Crosby and Feigenbaum are recognized as the most influential of the quality gurus, but it would be a mistake to think of them as each offering hisown unique view of quality management. These can be summarized as:

• Deming: statistical process control and the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act)cycle, together with organization wide improvement;

• Juran: Leadership and management responsibility;

• Crosby: The five absolutes and companywide participation;

• Feigenbaum: Organization-wide quality and TQM;

• The key principles which can be taken together, to provide a useful startingpoint for the introduction of quality management, can be summarized as;

• The need for top management commitment and support;

• The need for long term commitment;

• The fundamental reorientation towards meeting customer needs;

• Careful planning and the introduction of appropriate process and

procedures including the use of quality management tools;

• Training and education;

• The involvement of everyone in the organization;

• Recognition of the cost of failures, the cost of quality
