Department Of Nursing

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



INTRODUCTION:      Contraceptives are drugs or device used to prevent a woman from being pregnant and also used to protect men and women from sexually transmitted diseases.  How can this be driven home is truth to our adolescences, utilized to reduce our teaming population and to reduce the diseases that are sexually transmitted.  The project was done in March – July 2010.

OBJECTIVE:  To assess the knowledge and improve the practice of this knowledge in our teaming adolescent population bearing in mind that a good beginning will eventually grow to a good end.

METHODOLOGY:  A descriptive cross-sectional study was done using quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection.  Though sample size was calculated for a finite population, the total population of student respondents was used for the study.  Data collection was by use of a seria structured questionnaire and an observational check list.

RESULTS:  The mean age of the student  respondents was 25 + 5 years.  All the respondents are male adolescent students.  The knowledge of contraception in this group was 86.1% as against those who had as knowledge of 13.9%; the practice of contraceptive use has 77% while abstinence ws 6.6% and withdrawal 5.5% respectively.  The subject of study of the students did not influence the knowledge and practice of contraception so also is their year of study.  The mass media and peer group were found to be their main sources of information that contraceptives and their parents’ being alive or dead did not also influence their practice.

CONCLUSION:  the students who had good knowledge of contraception affirmed that they will continue to practice it.  The cultural values of students did not influence their practice of male contraception.  The mass media a veritable means of communication should be effectively used to cover both urban and rural areas in order to stimulate more adolescent to the use of male contraception.

    Parents, teachers, health practitioners should do more to give adolescents such advice to help in their proactive ability and the need to adequate control of sexuality related activities.



1.    Title page                                i

2.    Declaration                                ii

3.    Certification                                iii

4.    Dedication                                iv

5.    Acknowledgement                            v

6.    Table of Contents                            vi

7.    List of Tables                                vii

8.    List of Figures                            viii

9.    Abbreviations                            ix

10.    Abstract                                x

11.    Definition of Terms                            xi

12.    Introduction                                1

13.    Literature Review                            10

14.    Research Methodology                        33

15.    Results                                37

16.    Discussion                                66


Figures                                        Pages

Figure 1    The distribution of years of schooling of students        39

Figure 2    The distribution of Various courses studied by the

students                                40

Figure 3    Knowledge of contraception among students            41

Figure 4    Awareness of contraception among students            42

Figure 5    Students’ view in cultural acceptance of contraceptives    45

Figure 6    Students’ knowledge on traditional methods of

Contraception                            46

Figure 7    Parental communication to students on contraception        47

Figure 8    Experience of students during usage of male

        Contraceptive method                        52

Figure 9    Continued usage of male contraceptive method by

students                                53

Figure 10    View of multiple sexual practice among students        56


Tables                                    Pages

Table 1    Frequency distribution of socio-demographic

characteristics of students                        37

Table 2    Source of awareness of information on contraception        43

Table 3    Types of contraceptives known to students            44

Table 4    Distribution of students’ parents still alive            48

Table 5    Types of contraceptives used as reputed by students         49

Table 6    Types of male contraceptives known by students        50

Table 7    Usage of male contraceptive methods                51

Table 8    Effects of non-use of male contraceptive method        54

Table 9    Practise of abstinence among students                55

Table 10    Marital status of students and usage of male contraceptive

        Method                                57

Table 11    Knowledge of contraception and the usage of male

        Contraceptive methods among students                58

Table 12    Age group of students and usage of male contraceptive

        Methods                                59

Table 13    Years of schooling and usage of male contraceptive method    60

Table 14    Subject of study of students and usage of male contraceptive

        Methods                                61

Table 15    Cultural acceptance of male contraceptive method and

usage of male contraception.                    62

Table 16    Parental communication on contraception and usage of

male contraceptive method                    63

Table 17    Knowledge of traditional contraceptives and usage of

male contraceptive method                    64

Table 18:    View of multiple sexual practice among students and

usage of male contraceptive method                65



    The Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English defines “Contraceptives as a drug, device of practice used to prevent a woman becoming pregnant.”1 This definition though well embracing but does not include its utilization as a preventive measure against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; such as AIDS/HIV.  The act of contraception has been an old practice even from our forefathers who designed the timing of mating with their wives or not depending on whether they want to make babies.  They have a mental picture of when the monthly menstrual flow of their wives takes place or how long their wives have to breast feed their babies to avoid unwanted pregnancies.  Some traditional women even go through the extra-mile of wearing contraceptive bands on their waist to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

    Each year, women around the world experience 75 million unwanted pregnancies.  Unwanted pregnancy can occur for two main reasons; either the couple was not using contraceptives, or the method they were using failed.  There are many reasons why people do not use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy, including lack of access to family planning information and services; incest or rape; personal or religious beliefs; inadequate knowledge about the risks of pregnancy following unprotected sexual relations; and women’s limited decision-making ability with regard to sexual relations and contraceptive use.2 Many women are deprived of family planning services.

    The use of contraceptives by both males and females has been accepted and widely practiced in the developed world.  This has not been the case in the developing world where the male chauvinistic cultural belief that women should protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies; instead of the men also making it possible to use contraceptives.  The act of child bearing is the combined effort of both males and females, but in the developing world; it is seen as a primary function of the female gender.  This is the reason why the usage of contraceptives among men in these areas has not been encouraged as the female contraceptives.  The patriarchal nature of the African society does not seem to help or encourage male contraception rather it makes men to believe that they do not have any role to play in reproductive health.

    In the developed world, the populace has overgrown the persistent myths and negative attitude of men towards contraception.  However, the fact that male contraception in the underdeveloped countries has not been encouraged has led to the paucity of information about it and also reduced the quest for knowledge in this area.  Studies show that men want access to better contraceptives.  In a recent study of British men, 80% placed a hypothetical male pill as one of their top three contraceptive choices (Brooks, 1988)3.  Another study found that over 60% of men in Germany, Spain, Brazil and Mexico were willing to use a new method of male contraception (Heinemaan, 2006).4  In another study on “why Nigeria adolescent seek abortion rather than contraception:  Evidence from focus group discussions” where youths were asked about contraceptive availability, perceived advantages of method used, side effects and young people’s reasons for using or not using contraceptives?  It was found that the fear of future infertility was an overriding factor in adolescent decisions to rely on induced abortion rather than contraception.5

Methods of Contraception -  are more in the female gender than the male.

    Those of the female include:

The Combined Pill:  These are oral contraceptives which are eniphasic and biphasic pills, Everyday /Ed pills.  They are 99% effective when properly taken.  They contain two hormones – estrogen and progistogen, and acts by preventing ovulation when taken regularly.

Mini Pill:  Progestogen pill only.  Its 98% effective when taken properly and regularly any day at the same time.  It causes changes in the womb which makes it difficult for the sperm to enter the womb.

Injectable Contraceptives:  They include Depo-provera and Noristerat.  Its effective to 99% of cases.  It also stops ovulation by acting in a similar way to the mini pill.  It provides protection for up to 3 months longer.  It may cause irregularity in her periods and break through bleeding.

Intra Uterine Device:  Its 96 – 99% effective.  It’s a plastic device or with copper inserted into the womb by the doctor and it prevents the ovum or egg from settling in the womb.

Diaphragm or Cap:  Its 85-97% effective with careful use.  It is a soft rubber device put into the vagina before intercourse, to cover the cervix, and form a barrier which prevents sperm from meeting the egg.  It must be used with a spermicide and left in place for six hours after intercourse.

Sponge:  It is 75 – 91% effective, with careful use.  It’s a soft circular polyenthrane foam sponge, put into the vagina up to 24 hours before intercourse, to cover the cervix.  It already contains a spermicide.

Female Sterilization:  It’s a permanent method of birth control in which the fallopian tubes are closed so that the egg cannot travel down than to meet the sperm.  Its effective for life but has occasional failure rate of 1:300 where the tube rejion and fertility returns.

Natural Methods (‘Safe Period’ ‘Rhythm method’).  Its 85 – 95% effective.  It aims to predict ovulation when the woman is most fertile intercourse is avoided at this time.  This symptom-thermal method requires daily recording of body temperature, noting changes in vaginal nuclear and other signs of ovulation.

The male contraceptive measures include:

a.    Condom:  It is effective in 85 – 98% of cases with careful use.  Its made up of a thin rubber and worn on an erect penis.  It prevents sperm from entering the woman.  It protects both partners against sexually transmitted diseases and also protects the woman against cancer of the cervix.

b.    Male Sterilization (Vasectomy):  It’s a permanent method which involves the cutting or blocking of the tubes that carry sperm from the testes (vas deferens) to the penis.  It is a permanent method of contraception like the tubal ligation in females.  Another method of contraception needs to be used for about 3 months after vasectomy so as to clear the whole sperm from the tube.  Occasional failure of this method occurs in 1:100 cases.

c.    Withdrawal Method:  This method is usually not effective but its practiced by some own.  They withdraw the penis before ejaculation takes place during orgasm.  Its not effective because it does not take care of sperm which are passed into the vagina before orgasm takes place.

Emergency Contraception:  This is method of preventing pregnancy after having unprotected sexual intercourse or if you had a contraceptive accident or misuse (such as condom breakage, failed coitus interruptus) and in case of rape.  There are two common methods which can be used in emergency contraception:

a.    Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)

b.    Copper intra-uterine device (IUDs).

These two methods must be used within few days of unprotected sexual intercourse.  They are safe for most women.  The ECPs contain the same hormones used in family planning pills but are used differently.  They either stop the release of the egg or prevent fertilization of an egg.  The IUDs immobilize sperms, slow down sperm movement, prevent fertilization of the egg and cause changes in the uterine lining which prevent pregnancy.


    It is true that sexual education in most of our homes are poor, with the belief that being sexually educated will make the student to be promiscuous or to test what they have learnt.  But we all know that our society have overgrown such belief, and they will always have coitus, whether they are educated or not.  They will always be influenced by their peer groups and those who are not yet exposed will learn the act in a negative way.  This being the case, the onus now rests on adults to educate the teenage or early adult group on what the reproductive organs stand for, the usage of contraceptives to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies or even infections in the reproductive system.

    The need for this study is to stimulate parents and school authorities to educate our younger generations to be well equipped with the knowledge of family planning.  Failure of this taking place will lead to an increase in the number of unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and undue population rise in the society.


    Over the years, especially in Africa, the need for contraception and control of population using female methods of the pill, injectables etc have been adapted.  Before now only the condom and withdrawal method has been used by men.

    The increasing need for male contraception cannot be over-emphasized as humans are more aware of the fact that, there need to be a greater co-operation between spouses for family and reproductive health to grow and blossom; with greater understanding that everyone involved will contribute their quota to the success of the family.

    To this extent therefore, there is the dire need for the study of this nature to identify the contraceptive devices possibly of use now, the knowledge of their use, how well adolescent comply with their use, in order to educate them so that they could have a good beginning in their understanding of choosing when to have children and when not to.  This is done with the wisdom that a good beginning when well nurtured will bring about a good end.

    This study will give us an overview of the perception or knowledge, the usage or practice of contraception among these adolescent which will again enable us to educate them on what good practice of family or reproductive health should be.  This will translate into a better moral upbringing of the society around us.

On-Going Research:     There are many ongoing research projects into different methods of male contraception.  Researchers are optimistic that a safe, effective method of male contraceptive will eventually become a reality, although this is still several years away.6

    The two main areas of research into male contraception include:

a.    Hormonal Contraception – where synthetic hormones are used to temporarily stop the development of healthy sperm.

b.    Non-Hormonal Methods – where other techniques are used to stop healthy sperm from entering a women’s vagina.


    The objective of this study was to determine the level of awareness of male on contraceptive measures with a view to improving this knowledge and increasing their compliance to the usage.  This will help us in educating them on how to prevent early pregnancies and its negative effects and or infections to their young reproductive organs which may lead to secondary infertility in later life.


1.    To assess the knowledge of male students of Federal College of Education Technical Asaba on male contraception.

2.    To determine the practice of male contraception among the students.

3.    To assess the factors that influence the use of these contraceptives in this age group of students.



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