Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00





          Education, the most powerful instrument for social reforms, develops knowledge skill and character in an individual and society at large.

          Education, in general terms, is the process of transmitting societal homes values and desirable attitudes from one generation to another development as noted above is viewed here as a process of growth leading to improvement in standard of living and quality of life. This arises from the appropriate harnessing, exploration and exploitation of available and natural resources. In particular, education equips the beneficiary with self reliant in skill i.e. in terms of technical education which contributes to the overall economic development of the society.

          Education seeks to socialize individuals so as to equip them with the desired mode of behavior that is in conformity with the way of life of the society in which they live. It is the process of teaching, training and learning in schools and colleges for the development of knowledge and skills so as to prepare individuals to live happily with themselves and others in society where they live.

          Okonkwo (1995) regards education as technical education which leads to an occupational career or profession for man power development.

          Despite the importance of education and its history in Nigeria, dating back to 1898, it has not gained the recognition it deserves (Oriafo, 1998). It is dishearten to note that while education and the resulting technological advancement was facing in developing countries, the available technical and vocational institutions in Nigeria were under subscribed (Adeefe  Oar). This posed a major problem to the achievement of the goals set for technical education and other forms of education generally in the national policy of education (NPE 1981:28).

          More recently, the joint consultative committee on education (JSCE) references committee on science subjects at the 64th plenary meeting (23rd-29th June, 2006) observed that the delivery of technical and science subjects in schools was poor due to lack of adequately equipped workshops and science laboratories as well as lack of materials for practical work. The JSCE further noted that on account of poor facilities, the rate of success in these subjects was also poor.

          In Nigeria, the west African examination (WAEC) and national examination council (NECO) oversees the conduction of O’ level examinations. Also more importantly, the national board for technical education (NABTEB) oversees technical education while the onus of conducting technical examinations rests on the national business and technical examination board (NABTEB).

          An overview of WAEC, NECO, NABTEB examination results over the years has revealed consistently high failure rates.

          A five (5) years comparative analysis of May/June examination results revealed that:

·        Failure rates on science subjects ranged from 28-52%.

·        In acts subjects the range of failure is between 20-40%

·        Combination of both arts and sciences recorded a failure of 42-75% the persistent high failure rates in examination in various subjects that led to academic performance have been attributed to the following;

-      Poor funding of education generally.

-      Inadequate trained and qualified teachers.

-      Inadequacy of infrastructures in the institutions.

-      Lack of instructional materials on the part of the teachers and students.

-      Shallow knowledge of content of syllabus.

-      Inadequate practical exposure (i.e to formal workshop and laboratories).

-      Inadequate preparation on the part of the student.

-      Phobia on science subjects.

This research sought to investigate the relationship of some of the above factors that led to the causes of poor academic performance among students in some selected secondary schools in Egor local government area of Edo state with a view to finding strategies solutions in order to move our education forward.


    Education is only just becoming accepted, as evidenced in the increased enrolments for the past twenty (20) years however, the consistent high rates in some major science and technical subjects have fair reaching consequences for national development as a result of high wastage rate of schools with private and public in the country, this arises from the number of candidates eligible for certification. Specifically, students in collaboration of corrupt teachers has always device a way out examination malpractices. Special and miracle centres becomes the order of the day after all, the end justifies the means.

    This is mostly common in private schools and those schools in remote areas that lack supervision. However, the half baked students with good results but cannot defend it have serious implication of producing quality of students.

    There is the need to study the cause of the high failure rates abd low quality students that led to academic performance by finding solutions tro the following research questions.


1.    Does the quality of science teachers affect academic performance among students in Egor local government area of Edo state?

2.    Does the number of teachers available affect the rate of failure in certain subjects?

3.    Does the availability or non availability of workshop affect the rate of failure of candidates in identified subject?

4.    Does the non availability of instructional materials constitute academic performance?

5.    Does the interest of students affect academic performance in Egor local government area?

6.    Does parental support affect the failure rate of candidates in some identified subjects?

7.    Does the role of cultism in some schools affect academic performance? 


The study assumed that education and examination is a true measure of performance.


          The study was to investigate the causes of academic performance among students in egor local government area of edo state. The investigation was carried at recealing the causes of the poor performance in examination and quality of students trained after their academic journey.

          This will enable the researcher to make appropriate is recommendations which will lead to an improvement of the performance in the future.


          In this jet age, there is no compromise about ensuring that quality of education is realized. The outcome of the study will be able to source of immense information and help to educational planners, counselors ajnd administers towards to ensuring that our educational system will not be thrown to the dust bin resource planners in the state and federal government will also derive a wealth of knowledge from it.

          Additionally, it will acts as a guide for recruitment of qualified teachers in different fields and enhancing learning environment. Finally it will be a source of enlightment to students, parents, institutions, government and the society at large.


          This research covered all the past years by checking the results and assessing the students that passel out during these years in five selected schools. This research study was limited to the responses from public and privates schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State concerning the relationship between the adequacy of teachers, infrastructures, available of instructional materials, interest of students, parental support and quality of students produced enables the researcher to pass judgement on the causes of academic performance among students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State.


1.    WAEC (west Africa examination council) they conduct school certificate exams with the country and west African region.

2.    NECO (national examination council) they conduct senior school exams within the country (Nigeria).

3.    NPE (national policy on education) they make and regulate education policy.

4.    S.S.C.E (senior secondary school certificate examination) this is an examination for these in senior secondary school.

5.    NBTE (national board for technical education) they employ and conduct exams for technical school.

6.    NABTEB (national business and technical examination board) the conduct exams for technical school and entrance exams for technical college,. PERFORMANCE AMONG STUDENT
