Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



This study assessed the Secondary School Students Enrolment of Islamic Studies in SSC Examination 2012-2016 in Abeokuta.

Simple Random Sampling Techniques was employed to select 100 Students as Sample. Questionnaire was administered to collect Data.    

Three hypotheses was formulated and tested using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Statistics. The finding reveals that there was significant difference on the interest of Students and Enrolment of Islamic Studies in SSC Examinations. 

Base on the findings; it was recommended that the interest of students need to be given serious consideration before their enrolment into Islamic studies class so that it will not have a negative effect on their performance.  


Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgment iv-v

Abstract vi

Table of content  vii-ix


Introduction 1

Background of the Study 1-5

Statement of the Problem 7-9

Purpose of the Study 9

Research Question 9-10

Research Hypotheses 10

Scope of the study 10-11

Operational Definition 11-13

Signification of the Study 13-14


Review of Related Literature  15

Advent of Islam in Abeokuta 15-20

Concept of Islam in Education 20-24

The objectives of Islamic Education 24-26

Islamic Studies and Senior School Certificate Examinations 26-33

Appraisal of Literature Reviewed 33-35


Research Methodology 36  

Introduction 36

Research Sample and Sampling Techniques 37

Instrumentation 37

Validity of the Instrument 38

Reliability of the Instrument  38

Method of Data Collection 38-39

Method of Data Analysis 39


Presentation, Analysis of Data and Discussion 

Hypothesis Testing 40-44


Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation 45

Discussion of Result 45-46

Conclusions 46-47

Recommendations 47-48

Suggestion for Further Studies 48

References 49-52

Appendix 53—56

Result Details Analysis for Islamic Religious Studies 




Background to the Study 

Islamic Education is a system which transmits the revealed and acquired knowledge to the younger generation of Muslims in order to prepare them for life and enable them to discharge their duties as the vicegerent of Allah on this earth 

Education is the first duty of a Muslim, male or female. Knowledge of God is equated with the process of learning and teaching. The well-documented process of preserving Islamic scripture demonstrate the early emergence of a literate tradition of its transmission among Muslim community from the beginning to commit the words of God and the teachings of Muhammed (SAW) to memory and to writing. (Douglas and Munir 2004). According to them, Islamic education can literally refer to efforts by the Muslim community to educate its own, to pass along the heritage of Islamic knowledge, first and foremost through its primary sources, the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This education of Muslims might take place in Mosques, Schools or Universities and other Organisations established by Muslims over the centuries.(Douglas and Muniru, 2004).

Islamic Education is defined as the process by which values spelt out in the Holy Qur’an and the Traditions of prophet Muhammad (SAW) are handed over from generation to generation (Abiri and Jekayinfa 2010).

Islam as a universal religion appreciated and recommends knowledge acquisition for human development and recognition of Almighty Allah as the creator of the cosmos. This is why the very first revelation to prophet Muhammad (SAW) was specifically on seeking knowledge thus:

“ Read in the name of your Lord who creates. 

He creates man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. 

Read! Your Lord is the most Bountiful He who teaches (The use of Pen). 

He teaches man that which he knows not” (Q96:1-5) 

The above verses commended man to seek for knowledge not by reading alone but also by making use of pen for record purposes. Azeez and Adeshina (2013).

Interestingly, the philosophy of Islamic education is to inculcate moral values that constitute a wide range of virtues of such as honesty integrity, tolerance, truthfulness, self discipline, humility, patience, industrious and others. Hence, morality should be the basis for every education given by a country to her citizen in order to record success. This is exactly what Islamic studies set out to achieve. Furthermore, the acquisition of the knowledge of Islamic moral value transform life of a  child to a meaningful one as he would be able to relate politely with his follow human beings which also make him to achieve Allah’s pleasure in the hereafter (Azeez and Adeshina (2013) Islamic studies is an academic study of Islam and Islamic culture. Nanji A.(1997).

Islamic Studies is the totality of learning experiences which centre on the relationship between man and his creator and between man and his fellow man. Islamic studies is aimed at the recognition of Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe and the sole source of values. In the individual, it cultivates the sense of gratitude’s of Allah and submission to his guidance and moral law, both in our worship of Him and in our behaviour towards our fellow man. Islamic studies awakens the faculties of the intellect and reasoning of the child in accordance with Qur’anic Injunction which says:-

“Will you not use yours reason?”

“ Will you not ponder and reflect?”

It encourages the pursuit of useful knowledge in accordance with the saying of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) thus:

“The search for knowledge is an incumbent duty on every Muslim, Male or Female”.

Islamic studies promotes the realization of human equality and brotherhood with emphasis on practical means of achieving social solidarity and ethic harmony in place of greed and selfishness. It is the concern of Islamic studies to ensure a balance development of the individual and community by giving him physical, social, intellectual, moral and spiritual training. Islamic studies instills in the heart the consciousness of the presence of Allah as a witness of all our actions, thought and behaviours. This acts as a control on wrong doing, whether in public or private and as a motivation to a good behaviour.( National Teacher Institute, 2000). 

Islamic studies is one of the major subjects for the Senior Secondary School Students in the Art Department in lieu of Christian religious studies. It is a subject that principally focus on good knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith. It is a subject that teaches moral and the words of wisdom from God through the Prophets.

Islamic studies is one of the basic subjects in the current National Senior Secondary School Curriculum and one of the subject entered for by students in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination. This subject is sometimes made compulsory to be passed by students seeking admission into faculty of law  Arts and Education in the universities for Muslim students while Christian religious studies is for the Christians Abdul (2011).

However, Nigeria being a “Multi-Religion” nation has not realized importance of religious education. It regulates religions education to the background. It makes Islamic studies an elective subject and provides no adequate teachers in secondary schools (Azeez and Adeshina, 2013). According to National Policy on Education (2004), Islamic studies is not a core subject at the senior secondary schools, rather, it is an elective subject.

This gives the Senior Secondary School Students the option to either offer it or drop it. This is a factor that led to the statement of Bidmos (2003) that Islamic studies is offered by less than one percent of student population of any institution where it is offered at all (Azeez and Adeshina 2013).  

The use of examinations to carry out assessment according to Alonge (2003) has been on the increase worldwide with the establishment of examination bodies like: West African Examination Council (WAEC 1953), National Teacher Institute (NTI, 1975), National Board of Educational Measurement (NBEM, 1992), National Board of Technical Education (NBTE, 1993) AN National Examination Council (1999).These Examination Bodies were established to replace the activities of the colonial examination bodies.

WASSCE is a Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) conducted by West African Examinations Council; together with NECO conducted by the Nigerian Examinations Council. The choice of WASSCE and NECO results was due to its credibility and acceptance by tertiary  institutions for higher education. Kpolovie, Ololube, & Ekwebelem (2011) are of the view that because of the economic and social importance attached to Senior Secondary School Certificate and the opportunities for Higher Education for those who possess such Certificates, the awarding of this Certificate, one of the most importance event in the Nigerian academic calendar.

This utter disregard for Arabic and Islamic Studies as an instrument of education, social and moral development had caused incalculable damage to our corporate existence.

No nation can develop when moral decadence overthrow good virtue, because morality is a vehicle to success. Religious studies in its character, therefore more relevant in passing good moral instruction from generations to generation. Azeez and Adeshina (2013).                                     

 Statement of the Problem

Islamic studies can be seen an a basic need for its learner for social refinement, spiritual upliftment and cultural integrity, since it contains divine guidance. With this and inspite of the numerous benefits attached to the study of Islamic education as it seems that students in secondary school show little or no importance to the subject. They feel that it is not lucrative in terms of income generation unlike the subjects that lead to Accounting, Engineering, Medicine courses etc. Another problem is that  they assume that Islamic course will only make them to become Islamic studies teachers. Many researched work have been carried out on Assessment of Secondary School Students performance of Islamic studies and other subjects in SSC Examination. This includes – Science, Mathematics and English,  John and Badau (2015); Who wrote on An assessment of the trend of secondary school students academic performance in West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematic and English as these subject are the germane to the attainment of the millennium development goals and vision2000-2020.

Another writer was Abdul (2011)who carried out research on an assessment of the performance of students of Islamic studies in the Senior Secondary school Certificate Examination  (WASSEC) 2006- 2010.

To the best of the researcher knowledge no study have been carried out on assessment of secondary school students enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination in Abeokuta from 2012-2016 this is the gap that this research intend to fill.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to assess the Secondary School students enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination in Abeokuta. Specifically, it found out

1. Interest of students on enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination 

2. Influence of parent on enrolment of Islamic studies           

3. Influence of peer-group on enrolment of Islamic Studies on SSC Examination.

Research Question 

The following research questions were answered in this study.

1. Do Interest of students influence enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination 

2. Do students- parents influence the enrolment of  Islamic studies in SSC examination 

3. Do peer-group influence the enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination  

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated 

Ho1:- There is no significant difference on interest of students and enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination

Ho2:- There is no significant difference on influence of students-parents and enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC examination.

Ho3:- There is no significant difference on influence of peer group and enrolment of Islamic studies in SSC Examination 

Scope of the Study 

The scope of this study covered 5 out of  55 secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government Area,  Ogun State. The Schools are:

1. Nawair-ul-deen Grammar School Obantoko, Abeokuta

2. Salawu Abiola Comprehensive High School-Osiele, Abeokuta

3. Lantoro High School, Oke-Tantoro, Abeokuta.

4. Ima International Secondary School, Moshood Abiola way, Abeokuta.

5. Nawar-deen High School Oke-Ijeun, Abeokuta  

The study includes Islamic studies students from the selected secondary school. The researcher also make use of record of WASSCE and NECO result.

Operational Definition 

Some terms were used in relation to this work and it is necessary to define them to avoid misconception of the information intended. Amongst the term used are.

1. Assessment: In this research work assessment is refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and documents the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.

2. Enrolment: Is the total number of students properly registered and/ or attending classes at a school.

3. Islamic studies: Is the academic study of Islam and Islamic culture. It investigate the way in which the religion and culture of Islam influence specific societies; reflected in Philosophy, Law, Literature Art and Architecture; and also affects Social Economics and Political Relations 

4. SSCE: Senior School Certificate Examination, it includes WASSCE, NECO and NABTEB

5. Influence:- The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself

6. Peer Group:- Is both a social group and a primary group of people who have similar interest (homophily), age, background or social status, with whom a person associates and who are likely to influence the person’s beliefs and behaviour 

7. Parent:- Is a care giver of offspring in their own species   

8. Interest:- Is the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or of wanting to be involved with and to discover more about something.

9. Parents Influence:- The parents capacity or an effort to have an effect on the character, development or behaviours of their children.   

10. Peer-group influence:- Is a social group or primary group of people to the influence of person’s beliefs and behaviours. 

Significance of the Study 

The significance of this research work is that its finished product will serve as an important material for researchers who want to work on this field. It will also enable Nigerian researchers to account for an Assessment of Secondary School Student’s Enrolment of Islamic Studies in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) Abeokuta and to look for ways of improving Islamic Studies in Nigerian Schools.

Islamic education needs to be study due to its relevance to human race as it impact good habits., ethics, and moral which conform with the societal goals. Also, Islamic education reforms the life of the Muslim youth from all acts as of vices such as juvenile, delinquencies and indecencies common in the present day society.

Similarly, the result of this findings will be of great benefit to the students, teachers of Islamic studies, parents and government due to its moral value teachings in the society and that which will help in determining positive ways and means of promoting Islamic Education in our Nation at large and also make use of the three variables.

1. Interest of students 

2. Influence of parents

3. Influence of peer-group
