Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



This study assessed the performance of female students in mathematics in secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis. The population of the study consisted of the participants of all female secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis. The random sampling technique was used to take a sample of 200 students of SS II from all five female public secondary school in Sokoto metropolis. Promotional examination of students along with assessment Questionnaire were used for data collection for this research. Data collected were analyzed by employing simple descriptive statistics. The study found that the female students performance in mathematics is encouraging. One of the recommendations was that, the students should add more grease to their elbow by practicing what they are taught in class as this will help them greatly not only in their next promotional examination but also in their future studies.


Title page i




Table of contentsvi

Abstract v

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.1Background to the Study1

1.2Statement of the Problem3

1.3Objectives of the Study3

1.4Research Questions3

1.5Significance of the Study4

1.6 Scope and Delimitations of the Study

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature4

2.1 Introduction 5

2.2Early Stage of Mathematical Development5

2.3The Development of Mathematics 1960 to present date8

2.4The Concept of Evaluation10

2.5Difference in Gender Performance in Mathematics12

CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction 14

3.2 Research design 14

3.3Population of the study14

3.4Sample and sampling techniques14

3.5 Instrument 15

Validity of the instrument15

Reliability of the instrument16

3.6 Method of Data Analysis 17

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Introduction 18

4.2 Data Presentation 18

4.3 Grades and Interpretation 18

4.4 Data Analysis 19

4.5Summary of Major Findings31

4.6Discussion of Findings32

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary 34







Background to the Study

Mathematics often described as the language and backbone of science and technology is pervasive in all disciplines in today’s world. Actually, mathematical competence is vital to every individual’s meaningful and productive life. Outstanding mathematical ability, according to Adetula (1989), is a precious societal resource needed to maintain leadership in a scientific and technological world.

The line of demarcation between the developed (industrialized and wealthy) nations and the underdeveloped (non-industrialized and poor) nations is based on the level of mathematical attainment and ingenuity. Indeed without mathematics, there is no science, without science there is no modern technology and without modern technology there is no modern society.

Mathematics as a specialized cognitive tool is an undisputed agent of nation’s development and wealth creation.  Its   application   is  universal   to  all   learning  and

everyday    living    from    counting    possession    to    measuring

properties, predicting events, computing taxes/profits, drawing maps/plans, planning budget or warefare, providing models, synthesizing results.

All these are indication that mathematics is useful in domestic and business deals, scientific discoveries, technological breakthrough, problem solving and decision making in different situation in life (Kolawole and Olutayo, 2005). Actually, mathematics is a key to productive and fulfilling life and is a big servant to humanity.

A woman has an important role to play in the society in relation to mathematics and science education. Auhinen (1970) in Okoroh (2004) argued that with the fast automation and computerization of jobs, only persons with appreciable knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematics and  science  will be required in the job market. He added that moreso, suitable development could not be achieved as long as women were  not in mathematics and in the science.

Odogwu (2002) supported Auhinen saying that female education is an important aspect of societal development. Our girl child require a strong knowledge of mathematics to help

them to understand science and technical subjects.

Statement of the Problem

In view of the importance of mathematics which prepares a child for science and technical or technology related professions such as engineering, technology and computer science, this study sought to analyze the performance  of female students in mathematics in secondary schools  in Sokoto metropolis.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To assess the performance of female students in mathematics

2. To find out factors that affect their performance in mathematics

Research Questions

In an effort to achieve the stated objectives of this study, the following questions are set.

1. What is the level of female students performance in mathematics in Secondary Schools in Sokoto?

2. What are the factors responsible for their performance?

Significance of the Study

The study will be useful in the following ways:

This is a study that concentrated on female students performance in mathematics thus, when completed, female students are likely to improve their performance in maths which will help them greatly in science subjects, it will also provide important information that should be of help not only to teachers and parents but also to educational administrators, policy makers and government in the task of improving the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This project is limited to the analysis of female student’s performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis.

The research is limited to senior secondary two (SSII) in the selected secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis.
