Department Of Computer Science Section C : No Coding/Designs (Theories)

PAGES: 136
Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



The relevance of biometric attendance systems in tertiary institutions cannot be overemphasized. This study tackles the problems and addresses the solutions to the inaccurate method of using manual attendance systems that involves pen and paper.

This study shows that the ideology of using the old method of collecting students attendance has been abused. The solution to this problem is the introduction of a fingerprint mode of biometric attendance data collection.

This study has been able to unite the usage of biometric devices and the accessibility of the information gotten from the usage of these devices.

In this study, it was discovered that the fingerprint mode of biometrics is by far one of the most cost effective in terms of biometrics technology as a whole. This finding is the main purpose of selecting the fingerprint mode of biometric attendance data collection.

This study tackles the problems of manual student attendance data collection in tertiary institutions.

Keywords: Biometrics, Fingerprint, Data Collection, Attendance System, Manual Attendance


Declaration i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgments iv

Abstract v

Chapter One 1

Background of the study1

Statement of the problem2

Aim and Objectives of the study2

Significance of the study3

Research of Scope3

Structure of the project4

Definition of Terms4

Chapter Two 5


Concept of Biometrics6

What is Biometrics?6

History of Biometrics8

Biometric Technology11

Nigerian View about Biometrics19

Review of Related Literature20

Types of Models in Software Development22

History of Caleb University (Project Case Study)26

Chapter Three 28

Methodology of the Study28

Method of Data Collection30

System Analysis30

Analysis and Problems of the Existing System30

Justifications of the New System31

Description of the New System32

Requirement Analysis32

Analysis of the New Model33

System Design34

Design Goals34

System Architecture35

Hardware/Software Platform36

Database Design37


Chapter Four 43

System Implementation43

System Installation44

Hardware Requirements45

Software Requirements45

Prototype of the designed system46

How to install CAS (Caleb University Attendance System)46

Chapter Five 51

Summary of Research Findings51

Research Conclusion52

Recommendations for further study52

References 55

Appendix 56


Table 4.1: Table of Hardware Requirements 47

Table 4.2: Table of Software Requirements 47


Figure 2.1 Blockdiagram of enrolment, verification and identification tasks 6

Figure 2.2 Retina Scan 12

Figure 2.3 Iris Scan 13

Figure 2.4 Various Fingerprint patterns 15

Figure 2.5 Voice Pattern 16

Figure 2.6 The Model of a Biometric System 21

Figure 2.7 The Waterfall Model 22

Figure 2.8 The Iterative Model 23

Figure 2.9 The Spiral Model 24

Figure 2.10 V-Shaped Model 24

Figure 2.11 Rational Unified Process Model 25

Figure 2.12 Agile Model 25

Figure 3.1 User Enrolment 28

Figure 3.2 Heirarchy of User Access 29

Figure 3.3 System Architecture 36

Figure 3.4 Biometric Device 37

Figure 3.5 Students Table 38

Figure 3.6 Courses Table 38

Figure 3.7 Student Attendance Records Table 39

Figure 3.8 Student Enrolments Table 39

Figure 3.9 Students Table 40

Figure 3.10 Student Departments Table 40

Figure 4.1 Login Page 47

Figure 4.2 Start Class Page 48

Figure 4.3 Enroll Student Page 48

Figure 4.4 Add Lecturer Page 49

Figure 4.4 Add Course Page 50

Figure 4.5 Reports Page 50

Figure 5.1 Examples of Real Life Thermal Capturing 53

Figure 5.2 Pattern of Blood Veins in a Palm 54

Figure 5.3 Add Course Frontend Code 56

Figure 5.4 Login Frontend Code 57

Figure 5.5 Grading Frontend Code 58

Figure 5.6 Manage Courses Frontend Code 59

Figure 5.7 Find College Backend Code 60

Figure 5.8 Course Operations Backend Code 61

Figure 5.9 Student Record Creation Pojo 62

Figure 5.10 Student Record Creation 63


Background of the study

Several tertiary institutions have failed immensely in the application of Biometric Attendance Systems. The cost of implementation, expertise, or even lack of essential knowledge have resulted in this failure. Tertiary institutions often tend to use pen and paper method of taking attendance and from time memorial has caused an inaccurate statistics of students’ attendance in classes.

Biometric Attendance Systems in general can be costly, but the costs vary based on the mode of biometrics that is used. Biometrics is very useful in Information Technology as it is capable of capturing information such as face, fingers, veins, eyes and many other physical characteristics of the human body.

Biometrics capture unique characteristics, hence, it’s usefulness in attendance systems. Every student can attend classes, clock-in when the class starts and clock-out at the end of each class. Fingerprint Recognition mode of Biometrics is one of the most advisable for tertiary institutions as it’s the most cost effective and has no health side effects.

Majority of institutions have found the attendance system okay to use but a great disadvantage is the inabilty to manage the various thumbprints from different students and manipulate this data to make decisions on attendance. Although biometrics companies offer software to use, this comes in as expensive and out of budget for tertiary institutions. Fingerprint recognition is by far one of

the best ways of authenticating students’ attendance and would be great to enforce in various disciplines of tertiary institutions.

Statement of the problem

Caleb University still uses the pen and paper method of taking attendance for classes. There are a lot of lapses with this method of attendance capturing. Examples include interference of attendance capturing with lecture time, inaccurate attendance statistics often caused by filling attendance for an absent student and unavailability of database for keeping students’ attendance.

The paper method of attendance tends to be a bad way of attendance capturing as it sometimes results in loss of physical records caused by damages such as rodents infestation, fire outbreaks, water or even rough-handling. This study proposes Fingerprint Biometric Attendance and Management Systems to overcome the stated problems in tertiary institutions.

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of designing and implementing a Fingerprint Biometric Attendance and Management System is to eliminate the traditional method of attendance capturing and replace it with a biometric device used for recognizing the fingerprints of students and also to have a web application for  managing the attendance data.

The objectives of this project are:

· To create a web application to manage attendance of students in tertiary institutions.

· To create an advanced biometric machine that can connect to a third-party sevice and provide APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to talk to the web application and database.

· To secure user access to the attendance web application.

· To create a web application that can generate full-detailed attendance reports (e.g. student name, matric number, number of appearances, percentage e.t.c).

· To create webpages with React JS and style them using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

· To develop a backend with Java Rest Easy and connect it to the MySQL database

· To develop a fingerprint biometrics attendance system that can collect attendance data and use this information to make appropriate decisions.

· To implement the developed system.

With this system in place, there’s transparency, speed and accuracy of attendance data capturing.

Significance of the study

The essence of this system is to cut off the use of manual attendance data collection. Usage of pen and paper increases risks of cheating the attendance system put in place by school authorities and hereby defeating it’s aim. Detection of faults in attendance data or manipulation by students is possible but is very difficult and can be eliminated by a biometric attendance and management system.

This system enables administrative staff and lecturers to have attendance data of students and grade them based on the records of classes attended by each student. Options for printing all these

documents makes physical reference of this attendance data possible as well as electronic reference for backup.

This system is very useful in taking students’ attendance in classes and can be guaranteed to provide disturbance-free lectures. Students who are eligible based on early presence can be printed out as well as individual grades based on number of appearance or percentage.

Research of Scope

The scope of this work is to develop a fingerprint biometric attendance and management system for tertiary institutions to improve the current form of attendance data collection and heighten authentication of students into classes. The system will be a web based application developed with a javascript framework known as React JS, the database design of the system will be done with MySQL and backend management with a Java Framework known as Java RestEasy.

Structure of the project

This project consists of five chapters (one to five). Chapter one discusses on the introduction of the Deisgn and Implementation of a Fingerprint Biometric Attendance and Management System. Chapter two discusses on Literature Review. Chapter three discusses the methodology of this project. Chapter four discusses how the project was implemented and Chapter Five is a summary and conclusion of this project.

Definition of Terms

Fingerprint Recognition: This is the identification or verification of a person through the comparison of dermal ridges of the finger.

Biometrics Attendance and Management System: This is a system setup to store records of attendance data in a computer database and manage those records of attendance data captured.
