Department Of Business Administration

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Every organization be it profit or non-profit oriented engage in one activity or the other. And they have goal and objectives to attain.

Attaining these goals depends on a large extension of certain factors such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling, but, these factors that integrates all functions to ensure smooth wheeling organizational activities. According to “Daniel Katz” and “Rtobert. L. Kahn (1986)” described communication as the exchange of information and the transmission of meaningful message. The essence of a good communication in an organization will be examine thoroughly with the aim of establishing the place of communication. If possible, barriers, importance of good communication and preferring guides and techniques to improve communication in all establishment.’ With a particular reference to (Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin). The importance of communication cannot be over emphasize in improving management effectiveness. Business requires information about price, competition, technology, finance customers, suppliers to stockholders, regulations of government and the community of resident.

To ensure an incisive examination theoretical models. Such as interaction model that discuss the sender, receiver, channel, encoding and decoding, noise and feedback. The supervisor could be the sender and subordinate the receiver or vice versa. Organization established formal communication system when they set up structural relationship while informal communication is also created by member of the organization and exist a formal system.

In conclusion, all the recommendations given in this research work can help in the growth, development and help to solve the lingering problems associating with communication if it’s carefully examined.



There is no organization that does not involve in one management activities or the other management functions are performed in a duty today basis either in profit or non profit making organization. But all these activities cannot be efficient without or in the absence of communication.

It is true that communication applied to all places management. It is particularly like person responsible for directing the whole affairs of the industry (both human and material resources). He has to use a good communication so that all activities would be harmoniously coordinated towards the right direction

Communication can make an organization. It can determine the failure or success of an organization to be successful operated, there is need for an effective communication between the superior and the subordinate. On the other hand, an organization and its environment on the other hand. By doing so, every one would know his or her responsibilities and its offers.

Communication could be inform of giving instruction, receiving information, exchanging of ideas  announcing plans or strategies, companies actual , announcing plan or strategies, comparing actual results against standards, laying down rules, job description and organizational manuals.

There is a great need by all plays in an organization to have a better understanding of communication so as to avoid certain barriers that may hinder successful communication in an organization


This project work addresses the issue of communication. It’s relevant to the society, and how it can be effectively use to enhance the level of productivity in Kwara State Polytechnic., the aims includes:

i. Expanciates on what communication means in totally.

ii. To explain how it can be used to advance development in Kwara State Polytechnic.

iii. This project work will also be useful to other institution on how they can make communication an effective tools towards the institutional development

iv. Students and researchers in the field of communication will find it resourceful or as paper work which can be made as a mini library when needed and lastly

v. It will also be useful for the state and the country as a whole.


Many organizations do not find it easy to control those management activities as a result of the lapses that exist in the communication that might have been adopted in running of the organization. In the realization of the impact of communication in an organization success, this research work will discuss the objectives highlighted below:

i. To describe two model of communication in an organization process.

ii. To describe the flow of communication in an institution I.e.  The verbal and non verbal, formal and informal communication.

iii. To describe the place of communication in an institution.

iv. To identify the barriers of effective communication. And also discuss the breakdown communication.

v. Finally, to suggest workable approaches, guidelines an technique to improve communication.


Many students, managers and workers do not appreciate the impact of communication, probably out of ignorance. This research will illuminate on the place of communication in an organization. The expected role of, Individual, Staffs and Managers will be discussed in details. And efforts will be made to stress the role of communication in an organization success.


This project will limit its research effort to an educational institution and organization known as Kwara State Polytechnic Ilorin. This is highly essential in other to have full understanding about communication establishment. The research work will enhance the communication activities in different faculty and department. 

It will also limit itself within the staffs and students in the institution. Ranging from the Rector to Deans of various Institutes, HOD, Lecturer to the Non-Teaching Staffs and Students.


1. SUPERIOR: Is the boss or managers who direct the affairs of others in the realizations of objectives.

2. SUBORDINATE: Subordinate takes instruction from the superior. The subordinate is subjected to the superior 

3. COMMUNICATION: The transfer of information from one person to another which is understandable by both the sender and the receiver.

4. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Communication takes place within an individual. No second person is involved. Everything is done by the individual.

5. FEEDBACK: This is the response of the receiver to the message which is in-unsent to the sources.

6 ENCODING: This is the process of converting a sender idea into symbol word that comprise the message

7. NOISE: It is an inter reference that keep the message from been cleared and understood

8. MEDIUM: This simply means the channel through communicating

9. GRAPEVINE: This involves internal line of communication within an organization and usually incomplete, in accurate and facts penetrating. Through it can be put to effective use. But are mostly taken to avoid it negation effects

10. ENVIROMENT: This refers to as all the conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding that are affecting communication in an organization


This project work stems on communication as an important tools for the development of an institution. This study is basically divided into five chapters.

Chapter One: Takes on the introduction of the subject matters. It consists of the super significant and definition of terms of the study.

Chapter Two: This is the literature review or entails the works that has been done for this particular topic which was done by other researchers

Chapter Three: Will talk about the methods that the researcher adopts in getting necessary materials or information that will facilitates the success of the researchers

Chapter Four: This chapter explains how the researcher was able to analyze and present the data he gets for his work. While,

Chapter Five: Brings every thing to conclusion. The researcher those summary and give necessary recommendation where needed.


The communication itself was traced through business information, business communication and early mass communication studies which have been in Kwara State Polytechnic. Which is still in existence, organizational and institutional communication as a discipline consists of few professors or lecturers within speech and communication department who are the particular interest in speaking and writing in business settings the current field is well established with its own theories and empirical concerns distinct from other field.

Several seminar publications stands out as works broadening the scope and recognizing the importance of communication in the organizing process, and also using the term “organizational communication.”

A lot of lecturers in Kwara State Polytechnic wrote about organization communication system. Saying that, communication is absolutely essential to organization in other to pass effective and efficient information. They further explained that good information can only be passed through a good communication.

Kwara State Polytechnic as an organization believes that information has to be passed from the administrative department to the institute. And also the institute pass message to the various department. All these were able to be achieve through effective and efficient communication.

The organization was established then by Col.David Bamigboye (1972) in other to provide for training, research and development in language and also science. So since then communication has been taken with a strong hand. And has been in existence till today, personnel memorism and styles. The physical environment is anything that add meaning to the message.

L.Karry L.Barkers (1978) said communication is the process by which people transmit information and feelings. Also as a process by which person or a group of persons shares an impact information to another person or group of persons. So that both parties will understand one another.

Peter Little asserts communication as the process by which information is passed between an individuals and organization by means of previously agreed symbols.

Communication can also be seen as a process by which people attempt to create common understanding between them slightly more formally. Publication as the study of who says that, to whom, in what settings, by which channels and with what purpose and with what effects.

Organization that fails to communicate adequately with various audiences during a crisis can suffer serious consequences. One only need to look at the several highly publicized organizational over the years to know the importance of effective communication when things go badly. Infante, Rancer and Womack (1978) offer that communication between and among individuals or group will make up an institution or an organization

Kathryn A. Barker said that and explain that managers are traditionally spent the majority of their tune communicating in one form or another (meeting, face to face, discussion, memos, letters, e mails, reports etc). Today, however more and more employees find that an important parts of their work is communication, especially now that workers out number production


Deputy Rector

Office of rector

Internal audit. Industrial liason.unit security, academic, planning unit, parks and gardening, kwara polytechnic secondary school, kwara polytechnic nursery school


Registrar office. Establishment, division, academic, affairs of students, affairs, information and public actions


Bursars, office management, account division, expenditure control, payroll unit, cash office, unit student, affairs units, budgeting and planning, load and advance, purchasing store pension 

Chief librarian 

Chief librarian, serial and documentation, accusation section, catalogue NCY, reader service, boundry unit

Director work

Director office, electrician, electronic civil, building, mechanical and transport, physical development unit, water works, unit, plants.

Director institute

Head of department (academics),

Director medical service

Clinic pharmacy, laboratory stores

