The research works in carried out the impact of leadership style in an organization.

The study  will consist of five chapters.

The first chapter will include the introduction of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the  study, significance  of the study , scope  and limitations  of the study, definition of term. 

The second chapter which consist of the Historical background of the case study, organization structure of the case study, Business facility of he power holding company Nigeria plc, federal government initiative and privatization of power holding company of Nigeria , leadership theories model and researches  leadership styles based on the use  of  authority, management grid, likert’s four system, the impact of  leadership style power holding  company of Nigeria.

The third chapter methodology different method are sued to collect data, sample sampling frame, method of analysis, research  methodology carried out.

The fourth presentation and analysis of the data fifth and last chapter will include a summary, conclusions, recommendation, and appendix. 


Title Page




Table of content



1.0 General introduction

1.1 Statement of the problem

1.2 Objective of the study

1.3 Significance of the study

1.4 Scope and limitations of the study

1.5 Definition of term


2.0 Historical background of the case study

2.1 Organization structure of the case study

2.2 Business facility of the power holding company Nigeria Plc

2.3 Federal government initiative and privatization of power holding company of Nigeria

2.4 Leadership theories model and researches

2.5 Leadership styles based on the use of authority

2.6 Management grid

2.7 Likert’s four system

2.8 The impact of leadership style (PHCH PLC)


3.0 Researches methodology different method are used to collect data

3.1 Sample and sampling frame

3.2 Method of analysis

3.3 Research methodology carried out


4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 


5.0 Summary

5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation

5.3 Reference 

5.4 Appendix

Leadership: is a dynamic influence by the changing requirement of the task, the group itself and individual members. Or leadership: the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this leadership involves

1. Establishing a clear vision

2. sharing that vision with other so that they will follow willingly

3. Providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision.

4. Co-ordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stake holders. 

Leader: a leader is a person who is a vision a drive and commitment to a drive that vision, and the skill to make it happen or A leader is someone who leads strongly, but isn’t bossy someone who is admirable but not superior and or leader is a person who influence a group of people towards that achievement of a goal. 


1.0 General introduction 

The performance of any enterprise, whether large or small, is in direct proportion to the quality of it leadership. Leadership is not only ingredient of success unit but it is containing an important ingredient in the life of organization.

Yusuf (2001) argued that the ability of any organization to achieve its desired goals and objective depends on the nature of leadership. However, empirical evidence has found to show that leadership plays a very significant role in effective and efficiency of any organization.

Hence leadership has a significant management factor in the success of any organization to this ends, leadership most time, includes communicating with subordinate (passing on informance and expanding to goal and plan of the organization) giving order an information tax motivating people and taking whatever step necessary to raise protection, discipline staff and handling conflict.

As a result, we realize that improving the leadership styles by its self insurance that effectiveness of operating, improving result obtained and way in which resource are been used.

David man (1995) sees styles of leadership some of the basic requirement for achieving good management and administration and good leadership.

Leadership style may be defined as a designed pattern or behavioused in integrating or marrying both the organization and personal interest in achieving the organization aim and objectives. Furthermore, this style of leadership are many but mostly intersect more, to many people are the three command used in most establishment viz autocratic democratic and free from leadership style its widely believe that good leadership styles therefore increase productivities of labour lower unit cost, high morale sustain and improved management labour relationship Nwachuwu (1988).


Over the term scholar extensively researched on the effective leadership styles. In an organization prominent among them are Ralph M. Stogotiy, freed and fielder, Rensis likert, Robert Blade and Jame Mouton, Robert Tannen banm and so forth.

Leadership has been seen involving of variety of styles ranging from one that is highly boos centered to one that highly. Subordinate and conferred. The styles were said to be varied with the degree of freedom in manager or leader grand to subordinate with suggestion that no one style is always right and another is not always wrong in the contend of business and service industries to achieve goals.

Moreso, for manager or leadership to achieve appropriate leadership styles in an establishment, some situational factors must be considered this include position power tax structure and leader member relations.


The main objective of this research is to examinalyze and look critically in to the effort of leadership styles in human ground of Nigeria parastatals with particular. Reference to power holding company of Nigeria Plc (formally NEPA) Ilorin toward achieving target goal. Moreso, other objective of the study include,  

1. To examine how leadership styles can improve labour productivity and create good leader member relation.

2. To show low leadership style work to ensure Excellency management of resources in the power sector.   

3. To correct impression of bad leadership in the power sector. 


The main aim of this research study is to carefully look into leadership style in the power holding company of Nigeria Plc, Ilorin accomplishing the target goals. 

The research study identifies preference leadership styles in the organization to ensure high moral and high productivity among the staff workers of the PHCN, PLC, Ilorin to put effort by the manager. 

Also, the important of the study is to identify the advantage and disadvantages associate with such leadership styles under particular situation or condition to be operated. 


As earlier the study will be concern on subject matter i.e. the impact of leadership styles and labour productivity. The research will cover power holding company of Nigeria (PHCH PLC) formally NEPA Ilorin staff.


This research study limited by the user constraints faced during a research work such as limited material and cost of getting other relevant research data and materials. The total generating capacity of the six major power stations is 3,450 megawatts. In spite of considerable achievements of recent times with regards to it generating capability, additional power plant should need to be committed to cover expected future load. At present efforts would be made to complete the on going power plant projects plans are already nearing completion for the extension and reinforcement of the existing transmission system to ensure adequate and reliable power supply to all parts of the country. (Nwabueze 2005).


PRODUCTIVITY: Is computer by dividing average output per period by the total cost incurred or resources (capital, energy, material, personnel) consumed in that period productivity is a critical determinant of cost efficiency. 

ORGANIZATION: is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controls it won performance, and which has a boundary separating it from its environment the word itself is derived from the Greek work. 

SUBORDINATE: this is referred to as Lesser importance than something else or a person under the authority or control of another within an organization.

AUTOCRATIC: this is referred to a ruler who has absolute power or taking no account of other wishes or opinion. This is also known as authoritarian leadership is a leadership styles characterized by individuals control. 

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP: this is also known as participative leadership. It is a type of leadership in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision making process. 

BUREAUCRACY: this is a group of non-elected officials within a government or other institution that implement the rules, laws, ideas and function of their institutions.

AUTHORITY: this is the power or right to give orders makes decision, and enforces obedience. The right to act in a specified way delegate from one person or organization to another. 

LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY: is concerned with the amount of input that is obtained from each employee. It is a key measure of lousiness efficiency, particularly for form in which the production process is labour latersive.

ADMINISTRATIVE: is the botch of law that government the activities of administrative agencies of government action can include, rule making justification or the enforcement of a specific regulating agenda. 

MANAGEMENT: is the organizational process that include strategic planning, setting objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assess needed to achieve objective and measuring result. 

COMMUNICATION: is defined by devalenzuela as “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or effective states. 

PHCH: The Power Holding Company of Nigeria formally the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) is an organization governing the uses of electricity in Nigeria. 




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